Interspeech 2007 Logo


Title: Reconstructing Audio Signals from Modified Non-Coherent Hilbert Envelopes

Authors: Joachim Thiemann, Peter Kabal

Multimedia files in this directory

78308 view fspeech.wav
78308 view fspeech0.wav
78308 view fspeech1.wav
78308 view fspeech2.wav
82308 view fspeech3.wav
82308 view fspeech4.wav
383378 view organ0.wav
383378 view organ1.wav
383378 view organ2.wav
383378 view organ3.wav


Title:  Reconstructing Audio Signals from Modified Non-Coherent Hilbert Envelopes
Authors: Joachim Thiemann, Peter Kabal

FSPEECH.WAV     Original unmodified speech sample

FSPEECH0.WAV    Original speech file bandpass filtered to match the 
                system transfer function

FSPEECH1.WAV    Speech signal reconstructed from envelopes:
                first estimate using monochromatic carriers

FSPEECH2.WAV    Speech signal reconstructed from envelopes:
                final estimate after 200 iterations

FSPEECH3.WAV    Speech signal reconstructed from modified envelopes:
                envelopes for channels above 1500Hz sampled at 1.2
                times their CBW.

FSPEECH4.WAV    Speech signal reconstructed from modified envelopes:
                envelopes for channels above 1500Hz sampled at 1.2
                times their CBW, below 1500Hz sampled at 250Hz.

ORGAN0.WAV      Original music sample, bandpass filtered.

ORGAN1.WAV      Music sample reconstructed from envelopes:
                estimate after 200 iterations

ORGAN2.WAV      Music sample reconstructed from envelopes:
                estimate after 1000 iterations

ORGAN3.WAV      Music sample reconstructed from envelopes:
                estimate after 200 iterations using a higher density
                of envelope channels (4 per CB, 123 total)