Zilic, Z., Ph.D., Toronto.
McGill University
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
McConnell Engineering Building, Rm.546
3480 University Street,
Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3A-2A7
Tel. 514-398-7110, Fax. 514-398-4470
E-mail : zeljko dot zilic at mcgill dot ca
Research Interests
Logic Synthesis, Testing, Debug and Functional Verification
Using FPGAs for System Design and Modeling: Emulation, Debug, Reconfigurable Systems
Combinatorial and Algebraic Algorithms: Interpolations, Orthogonal Transforms, Quantum Algorithms
Embedded, Wireless and Multiprocessor Systems; Microsystems
My home page at Integrated Microsystems Lab (IML) that has more relevant information on microsystems research
Graduate Students
Former Students
Courses Taught
- COEN6521 - Design for Testability - (Concordia University, during sabbatical leave)
ECSE431 Electronic Design
ECSE487 Computer Architecture Laboratory
Graduate student applications
Applications are now being done through McGill's web site. I regretfully cannot answer all e-mail inquiries, but students interested in graduate research will be given full consideration when the applications are received, and are welcome to apply through standard McGill channels.
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